Save as default instrument: This option is not available in KONTAKT PLAYER. Saving a multi will also save the output routing options. Thus, the save dialog offers the same Sample management options as described in the Save as… paragraph above. While the resulting Multi file will contain all Instrument data, KONTAKT PLAYER will still need to take care of the Samples that are referenced by the Instruments. Save multi as…: This saves your current multi to an. For more information, refer to Loading Tab. This makes it easy to share session files with KONTAKT instances across platforms. When a host project is saved with this option selected, Non-Player content will be able to resolve without the Missing Content dialog, if the libraries are located on the computer’s path as defined in the base path field. In the Loading tab of the Options dialog, you can specify a base path for your Non-Player content, and also choose if you want to store referenced paths relative to the base path. Sample references will be saved in an absolute fashion, so you may get a Samples Missing dialog when you open the session after you have moved your Samples. When you are using KONTAKT PLAYER as a plug-in inside your host program and save your session, all Multi and Instrument data will be included in this session file. Note that the file name will be used as the Instrument name that’s being displayed in the Instrument Header. Selecting one of them will open a Save dialog with options to select a location and change the name of the Instrument. When you move the mouse to this entry, a sub-menu will open, which contains a list of all Instruments in your current Multi. Save as…: This function allows you to save any Instrument in your Multi to an. New instrument bank from list: Provides access to the contents of your Quick-Load catalog of Instrument Banks. The Quick-Load catalog is explained in section The Quick-Load Catalog. Select an entry in order to add the respective Instrument to your Multi.

New instrument from list: This submenu provides access to the contents of your Quick-Load catalog of Instruments as a hierarchical menu structure. Load recent…: This sub-menu contains an up-to-date list of files that you recently opened in KONTAKT. nki), a Multi (.nkm), or an Instrument Bank (.nkb). Load…: Opens a file selector dialog, asking you to locate and load any object that KONTAKT can handle, whether it’s an Instrument (file extension. New instrument bank: Adds an empty Instrument Bank to your Multi. In KONTAKT, this option adds a new Instrument to the Multi. New instrument: Available in KONTAKT PLAYER for only 15 minutes in demo mode. Loading a Snapshot from the File System.Non-Activated and Non-Licensed Libraries.Assigning MIDI Controllers in the Browser.