Honey Wilder had no trouble thinking of her favorite female sex partner on screen. When asked whether Harry Reems was as good a lay as his reputation would have you believe, she replied dreamily, "He certainly was to me!" Her performance in Society Affairs was memorable, to say the least. In addition to her role in Taboo series, Wilder also starred in Society Affairs and Satisfactions. Her big break came in the Taboo series where she portrayed a mother who engages in a relationship with her son. She became associated with convincing portrayals of a seductress playing and older woman inappropriately seducing younger men. Big Break & Favorite CostarsĪlthough she was thin, Wilder was also quite busty, and her sweet disposition and sparkling personality shone through, making her on-screen performances seem all the more appealing and natural. Wilder's Texas accent got her lots of roles as the debauched country girl, notably in Wild Dallas Honey (1982), her first starring role where she played a housewife who can't get over her first love, a rodeo star who broke her heart. Her partner was Kevin James (AKA Kevin Gibson), who became one of her favorites to work with. Her first appearance was in Swedish Erotica Film 451: Royal Lesson (1980), a short ten minute vignette where Honey got a taste of her first on-screen facial. After watching a few adult films, she thought to herself, "I can do that!" She made her way to Southern California and was soon grinding her way through sex film after sex film. Fortunately for her fans, she didn't make the cut. Honey Wilder's first ambition was to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. Honey Wilder Porn Star Biography From Texas to California