Now, you are ready to share your picture and receive compliments.

Export your photograph by clicking the Save button in the top right corner.Enlarge and Shrink functions will make the chosen body part big and prominent or small and flat in a click. The Shift option will help you create a weight loss effect if you drag the tool up and the weight gain effect if you drag it down. Choose the Move feature to make partial body retouches: warp limbs or body parts with a few brushstrokes. There, you can make complex modifications to the body. Play around with the Height and Width sliders to get slim model-like thighs. Go to the Legs tool and place the marker over the model’s legs.You can use the tool to enlarge body parts such as shoulders, biceps, boobs, buttocks, or abs. Switch to the Enhance tool, set its size, and place it over the body part you want to make larger or smaller.Place the marker over the model’s waist and adjust the Amount slider until you get a thin waist. Go to the Sculpt tab and pick the Waist tool.Once you are on the startup screen, upload the pic you want to edit or just drag and drop it in.